
The activities will take place between 15th October 2015 and the 30th June 2016-04-29 at:
Times: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings (9.00-12.00)
or afternoons (14.30-17.30); Saturday mornings (9.00-12.00)

Traces from the past and... the present

Target age group: pre-school classes and primary school (years I and II)

Objectives: understand the importance of fossils for extending our knowledge about the dinosaurs and life on Earth in the past. Recognise how marks, signs and traces testify to what happened in the past.

Contents: by observing examples on display in the exhibition, pictures and some fossilised objects, the concept of fossil and fossilisation will be studied in detail as well as their importance to our understanding of the past. Even footsteps fossilise: each participant will take away a trace of their visit to the exhibition by making a mould of their footprint to take home.

Duration: 2 hours
Cost: €6,00 (inclusive of entry to the exhibition)
Period: From October 2015 to June 2016

Dino ...yum, yum

Target age group: pre-school classes and primary school (years I and II)

Objectives: development of the ability to listen and observe in order to understand the physical characteristics, behaviour and diets of the dinosaurs in the exhibition. Promote creativity and manual skills through the use of a variety of materials and techniques.

Contents: Learning about the physical and functional characteristics of the Patagonian giants. Producing a big book to explain the evolution and the life of the dinosaurs on Earth from their origin to their disappearance.

Duration: 3 hours
Cost: €7,00 (inclusive of entry to the exhibition)
Periodo: From October 2015 to June 2016-04-29

Palaeontologist for a day: palaeontological excavation

Target age group: primary school (years III, IV and V) and middle school.

Objectives: learn what palaeontology means and about the work of the palaeontologist and the instruments he/she uses to set up and carry out a palaeontological excavation.

Contents: initial introduction to the role of the palaeontologist, differences and similarities with other professionals such as the geologist and archaeologist. Observation and explanation of how a palaeontological excavation is carried out using a video and subsequent simulation of the normal procedures employed. Reassembling the skeleton of a dinosaur using excavated fossils.

Duration: 3 hours
Cost: €7,00 (inclusive of entry to the exhibition)
Periodo: From October 2015 to June 2016

Let’s make a plaster cast!

Target age group: primary school (years III, IV and V)and middle schoolo

Objectives: understanding the concepts of palaeontology, fossil and fossilisation. Learning why making a plaster cast of excavated fossils is important and how to do it.

Contents: after an initial introduction to palaeontology and fossilisation, each participant will make a plaster cast of a fossil.

Duration: 3 hours
Cost: €7,00 (inclusive of entry to the exhibition)
Period: From October 2015 to June 2016

Let’s stratify!

Target age group: primary school (years III,IV and V) and middle school

Objectives: learning about the geological composition of our territory, the stratification of the rocks and what they contain. Understanding the importance of rocks in tracing the evolution of life on our planet.

Contents: introduction to the geologist’s work and the study of rocks. Individual production of a stratification of rocks including the insertion of fossils in chronological order.

Duration: 3 hours
Cost: € 7,00 (inclusive of entry to the exhibition)
Period: From October 2015 to June 2016-04-30

“Snakes and Ladders” with fossils

Target age group: primary school (all years)

Objectives: learning about the physical characteristics and behaviour of the dinosaurs in our exhibition through a game. Understanding how they became extinct and about the process of fossilisation. Becoming aware of the importance of the palaeontologist for researching and studying dinosaurs.

Contents: the activity will start with a guided tour of the exhibition illustrating the physical characteristics and behaviour of the dinosaurs, the theories regarding their extinction, the process of fossilisation and the role of the palaeontologist. This will be followed by the fossil version of Snakes and Ladders in which the participants will answer questions about what they have seen in the exhibition. The winner will be the first to arrive at the final square.

Duration: 3 hours
Cost: € 7,00 (inclusive of entry to the exhibition)
Period: From October 2015 to June 2016

Dino treasure hunt

Target age group: primary school (all years)

Objectives: approaching the world of the dinosaurs while stimulating memory, intuition and observational and study skills.

Contents: the activity is organised as a treasure hunt through the exhibition after visiting the collection and the Quadrisfera installation. Divided into small groups, the pupils will find answers to questions related to the themes of the exhibition and by completing tasks and solving riddles attain the treasure.

Duration: 2 hours
Cost: € 6,00 (inclusive of entry to the exhibition)
Period: From October 2015 to June 2016

Herbivores and carnivores: not just a question of teeth...

Target age group: pre-school classes and primary school (years I and II)

Objectives: introduce the participants to the concept of the relationship between form and function. Enable them to distinguish whether the dinosaurs were herbivores or carnivores according to their peculiar physical characteristics. Promote observational, analytical and creative skills.

Contents: during a guided tour of the exhibition, the pupils will be shown the principle physical features of the herbivores and carnivores. In the workshop these characteristics will be singled out using images of teeth, feet, tails etc. and comparisons will be made with contemporary examples of herbivores and carnivores. Subsequently, the participants will have to assign them to one of the two major categories studied. Finally, a collage will be made using different body parts in order to create a new species of dinosaur.

Duration: 3 hours
Cost: € 7,00 (inclusive of entry to the exhibition)
Period: From October 2015 to June 2016